New bedroom decor: Bed, Dormia Mattress, Lamps
by rplevitz
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Lots of pieces to this puzzle. We wanted to switch from a queen to a king sized bed. Sounds easy, right? Not if you are obsessed with finding the best possible deal on said bed, like me. We found an AWESOME deal on this real canadian wood, king-sized bed on craigslist.com (by the way, use searchtempest.com to search lots of craigslist sites much more easily). Love it. Found someone who was making the drive from where it was to our area (2 hours away) and only charged me $60 to deliver it. Love it more. Then we got a great deal on the Dormia mattress. We switched from a Tempurpedic and I think it's even better. I find it all around more comfortable and I think it's more firm than the Tempurpedic. Found some cool lamps that fit our room decor better than those old victorian looking things and now, voila, the room looks great and we sleep better.

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