
Harley Davidson Memphis Belle Sidecar

by Coach P

this is the original sidecar body; It is in two pieces that are joined with a rubrail.  I separated the two halves and joined them together to make a smooth body.
  • this is the original sidecar body; It is in two pieces that are joined with a rubrail.  I separated the two halves and joined them together to make a smooth body.
  • Here is the original sidecar before I took it all apart to repowercoat it.
  • Here is the sidecar bucket painted cream white,  ready for the bomber and flag paintwork

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This is a 2001 Harley Davidson Road King that has an American Flag paint scheme.  I added a sidecar with the theme of a B17 Flying Fortress aircraft from WW II. This motorcycle is to honor all of our Service Men and Women serving now and all who have served in the past.  The names of famous battles of WW II, Korea, Viet Nam, The Gulf
Wars, Beirut 1983, and Somalia are inscribed on the sidecar so that we may all remember those who fought at those sites and that we never forget what heroes these people are.  This bike was displayed and participated at Rolling Thunder in Washington D.C. on Sunday May 24, 2009.  It was one of 500,000 motorcycles to roll down Constitution Ave in front of 150,000 people lining the parade route.

Current Rating: Maketastic! Votes: 3 | Views: 4924 | Favorited: 3 | Comment: 1

Project Comments & Questions


tanya 06/02/2009

I love how you made the sidecar! Fantastic airplane design, very stylish. I believe it's not JUST "one of 500,000 motorcycles to roll down Constitution Ave" - it's THE BEST ONE!

Tanya, thanks very much. I think that it came out great. It was a project that really made me proud to display at Rolling Thunder! There were even some sons and daughters of WW II veterans that came over and said hello. My dad was in the Army Air Corps during the war and that why I originally decided to do the project.

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Coach P
Projects: 2
Member Since: 05/25/2009
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