61 Willys Jeep CJ5
by 32Tudor
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This is a 61 Willys CJ5 Jeep that I bought to plow driveways with my son. It had a glass body, a small lift and big tires. I also bought an ugly 74 that had a nostalgic metal hard top and a plow. I stole a bunch of parts from the 74, sold a few and then sold the carcass. I mounted the plow and hard top on the 61. Then I rebuilt the transmission putting the Jeep pickup gearset in it (better for pushing snow). We used it a litte, but NJ weather did not cooperate with that, so I sold it.
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Project Comments & Questions
aprice88 06/22/2009
This is an awesome widwi. Do you do the painting yourself? If so, how do you prevent streaking?
Yes, I painted it myself. I used a low end automotive spray gun and as long as you have ample lighting so you can see where you have been the paint doesn't run. Sometimes I will put shop lights around the vehicle on the floor, so you can see the reflection and get a good wet coat without guessing how much material you put on. Feel free to contact me by email if you are in need of more detail on the prep for painting or the process I follow.
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