
How to Make an Earbuddy from a crafterMania Business Card

by saynuk

  • 1. Lay out the card, white side up.
  • 2. Fold it in half, endwise, then open up flat. When folding, use you fingernail to make the edges as sharp as possible.
  • 3. Fold the ends to the middle crease, then open up. Again, use your fingernail.
  • 4. With the ends folded in, fold the triangular corners down along their dashed lines. A bone or fingernail to flatten these folds will help the model to be cleaner in the end.
  • 5. Fold the corners back the other way as well.
  • 6. Flatten it all out. You should have a lumpy version of the flat card.
  • 7. Once again, fold the card in half edgewise, this time pinching the triangular parts inward.
  • 8. Your earbuddy should look something like this. Keep in mind the model does not stay closed on its own. The tension of the earbud cable will keep it closed.
  • 9. TO WIND: start by placing either your headphones or your earbud plug inside the winder. Starting with the earbuds themselves might wok the best for you.
  • 10. Tuck the remaining plug or earbuds inside, or under the wire that's already been wrapped around.

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If you've met one of the crafterManiacs (great craft deals here), you'll likely have a business card from them which can be folded into a convenient earbud winder for safely storing your earbuds.

Actually, this very simple biz card origami will work with virtually any business card, though we prefer you use ours!

Before folding, you may wish to score each of the dotted lines on the information side of the card. A bone and ruler work well for this purpose. If you don't have a bone handy, a butter-knife edge will work (an edge with no ridges)


1. Lay out the card, white side up.

2. Fold it in half, endwise, then open up flat. When folding, use you fingernail to make the edges as sharp as possible.

3. Fold the ends to the middle crease, then open up. Again, use your fingernail.

4. With the ends folded in, fold the triangular corners down along their dashed lines. A bone or fingernail to flatten these folds will help the model to be cleaner in the end.

5. Fold the corners back the other way as well.

6. Flatten it all out. You should have a lumpy version of the flat card.

7. Once again, fold the card in half edgewise, this time pinching the triangular parts inward.

8. Your earbuddy should look something like this. Keep in mind the model does not stay closed on its own. The tension of the earbud cable will keep it closed.

9. TO WIND: start by placing either your headphones or your earbud plug inside the winder. Starting with the earbuds themselves might work the best since they're big and fit well inside the earbuddy.

10. Tuck the remaining plug or earbuds inside, or under the wire that's already been wrapped around.

Enjoy your new life of non-tangled earbud bliss!

(credit where credit's due: the earbuddy was inspired by Core 77)

Current Rating: Maketastic! Votes: 3 | Views: 1881 | Favorited: 1 | Comment: 1

Project Comments & Questions


pjverrone 07/20/2011

This is really cool and creative!

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