Balloon sinuplasty opens blocked sinus
by sinus4u
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Balloon Sinuplasty can help to manage sinusitis and sinus infections with minimal trauma. This can be combined with the Relieva Sinus Spacer to allow medication to bathe the inside of the sinus and its opening. The obstructed sinus is enlarged with a balloon (Balloon Sinuplasty). The Relieva Sinus Spacer, a reservoir that may be left in the sinus for several weeks, is inserted. The Relieva Sinus Spacer is approved in the United Stated for saline to bathe the sinus and in Europe for steroids to be placed in it and bathe the sinus. In this case steroids were placed in the Relieva Sinus Spacer to manage the polyps and open the sinus. (For further information view www.Acclarent.com)

Project Comments & Questions


To GDC....It is valuable to all sinus patients to have adequate, quick and efficient treatment. Everyone want so feel better quickly. The Balloon Sinuplasty preserves tissue and restores the sinus to normal functioning. Two year data published peer reviewed now shows its effectiveness.

No worries. I was kidding. Kind of. ;) Balloon sinuplasty does seem to be getting a lot of ink lately, and not just cuz of the J&J thing. Patients are making sure they know all of their options instead of just going the traditional meds/surgery/meds route. Interesting. Cheers.

Sorry about the lunch thing. The Balloon Sinuplasty technology develeoped by Acclarent has had a new and powerful validation. Johnson & Johnson, the big medical giant purchased the company this week for $800 million.

This video should come w/ a warning - don't watch right before or eating lunch. Whoa! Good to see it mapped out like that though. Also good to see more coverage of procedures like this that work WITH your body, helping it to do its thing (in this case helping the nasal passages). -G
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